Bike Across America Journal – Wednesday, February 11, 2015 (Day 2)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015 (Day 2)

Start: Athens, GA

End: Milledgeville, GA

Weather: Sunny, Cool

Miles: 62

Snacks for todays ride...

 Snacks for todays ride…

Did not leave Athens, GA until almost 10:00am. Yesterday I knew today would be difficult, and without a doubt this assumption held to be true.

Bike Across American 2015

Saying Goodbye to my Warmshower Host…

I am still wearing two pairs of bike shorts. The first 30 miles seemed more than nightmarish, while the last 40 seemed unattainable. I took a break every few miles just to try to boost any energy into my life/legs.

Both achilles were throbbing, my legs produced no power, cadence was always between 70-80rpm, and the average speed was under 16 mph.


I don’t know what happened after one of my many breaks, but finally I felt I had the energy for the last 36 miles. The miles continued to be knocked off more quickly as I continued to ride, and I arrived in Milledgeville by 4:00pm.


I hung around waiting at the Walmart Shopping Center until 5pm. Once I received the text message with the address of where I would be staying tonight, I headed over.

We went to store to buy supplies for dinner, while I bought snacks for my ride that would be at least to Dublin.

I spent the nite chatting with roommates about their professions (one is the produce manager at grocery store I just went to, the other started making corsets with two other business partners). I just asked them endless questions about their knowledge of their businesses.


Bike Across America Journal – Monday, February 9, 2015 (Weather Delay)

Monday, February 9, 2015 (Weather Delay)

Start: nope

End: Somewhere headed toward Albuquerque, NM

Weather: Rainy, Cloudy

Miles: 0k +

Bicycling Across America (SC, GA, FL, AL, MS, LA, TX, NM)

The adventure was to begin today. I had a pretty sleepless night. The alarm rang at 7am, but I was not really jumping out of bed to get ready.

Ready to go by 9am, standing outside checking the security of the gear and the bicycle, the rain begins to fall. As every minute passes, the rain continues to fall more heavily. I spend the next minutes contemplating my options for the day via Trying to decide if the risk involved with the rain and my ability to make the distance of 75+ miles is even possible.

After recognizing the band of weather stretched throughout Alabama and was to continue throughout the day, I chose it wise to stay behind one more day. To start the adventure tomorrow. I quickly informed my WarmShower Hosts (online Bicycle Friendly Hosts; see that I would be pushing my adventure back for one day. (both hosts soon gracelessly replied that I was still welcome the following nite)

So I spent the rest of the morning preparing to make the adventure even more successful by altering my gear, in doing so, I accidentally broke the battery cable of my phone, and now had a useless phone. Within an instant, I had destroyed my maps and my link to assistance, more or less…I had destroyed hope. This action, quickly became discouragement as to how to replace a mobile phone in America in just One Day! (who does’nt love contracts?)

Through much contemplation (without the idea of a contract…I don’t do contracts), I decided to order a phone to be delivered to the WarmShower tomorrow. (Hopefully both I and the phone will make it!) Breaking the phone was a little discouraging. I have a specific bike mount for the phone I broke, so my new phone had to have a bike mount ordered as well. (my phone is no longer made…so I had to find another model…researching new phones is a gargantuan pain, especially selecting one that can be delivered in one day.)

After “successfully” ordering a new phone, I spent the remainder of the day watching Netflix, and eating…It stopped raining for a few hours this afternoon, but the heavy rain started back and brought thunderstorms at 5pm.

I’ll try to be up and out earlier tomorrow to avoid any troubles that might want to visit me.

The adventure has not even started, but it sure feels like it already has. – Inspiring Adventure

– Billy Blohm

Sunday, February 16, 2014 (Day 89)

Sunday, February 16, 2014 (Day 89)

Start: Tonala

End: Tonala

Weather: Sunny

Miles: 0k +


I was able to eat a little cereal this morning. However I did not really drink the milk as the milk had sat in the window over night and no longer had a chill. We thought we might leave today. Li asked how I was…and I stated “I am better”. As we packed, I went to the restroom before we left. My stomach still had grumbles. It was already 11:00am. As I walked out the bathroom, Li was still worried. Lilly’s stomach does not feel well. We would like to do 110k to make camp at a gas station. In the end, the three of us decided to stay another night.

I slept most of the day, and catching up on writing the journal. I walked around town between 2-3pm in search of food, but found a crowded weekend market filled with people, even tourists. I ended up buying convenient store food and walking back.

After 6pm, Li and I bicycled the 3k to Walmart for dinner supplies. I bought some donuts, muffins, and Velcro straps (to hold bike pump/tarp poles). We even climbed a good hill on the way back to the hotel…and I was able. The Walmart trip left me feeling good to ride now. Still not sure about my food intact or toilet requirements.

Li cooked the three of us dinner. I ate a little of the rice with meat and vegetables, then ate a little more. I was even happier when I ate my donut for dessert. My bicycle is packed for tomorrow….whatever the adventure may be.

Saturday, February 15, 2014 (Day 88)

Saturday, February 15, 2014 (Day 88)

Start: Guadalajara

End: Tonala

Weather: Sunny

Miles: 16k +

I slept until I heard Li in the kitchen after 8am. Laying in my sleeping bag, I told Li that I would need a hotel today and was not feeling well. I slept on and off until 10am.

I laid around while Li/Lilly packed their gear. I got up, packed my gear. While I waited sitting in a chair was even too tiring, so I unpacked my sleeping pad to lay down as soon as I noticed we were not leaving immediately.

Li found us two options. Stay in town or bicycle 15k out of town. I thought leaving on Saturday would be safer with less city traffic. Around 12.30pm we said goodbye to Angel and started our ride out of the city. As I rode, mentally I was barely there, and my legs felt weak. I let Li lead most of the way through a lot of crowded city shopping streets…and thankfully had no vehicle trials on the roads in the outskirts of town, I even rode the sidewalk a few times.

As we pedaled along in the hot sun, I remained in the middle. With one kilometer to the next town (our destination), I stopped on a small climb to seat down under a tree to rest. With a little encouragement from Li, I got up five minutes later and pedaled the one kilometer to town. Lilly and I waited across the street in the shade on steps while Li checked the hotel price. The first hotel told Li $400 pesos, when we all three of us showed up they wanted to charge us $600. So we cycled another block, and I graciously volunteered to sit at the 7/11 (convenient store) while Li and Lilly found us a motel. It felt like 30 minutes as I sat in the shade of the 7/11 building on a busy intersection in a dusty parking lot. I was hoping no one would communicate with me, as cara pulled in and out of the store, as I could barely keep my eyes open.

Li eventually came and got me and took me the 500 meters to the hotel ($380 pesos). I climbed the flight of stairs to the room and went to sleep. It was 3pm.

Li and Lilly would later walk the 3k to Walmart for their dinner. I was brought back milk, cereal, yogurt, bananas. I  later would only eat the milk and yogurt and fell asleep.

Friday, February 14, 2014 (Day 87)

Friday, February 14, 2014 ( Day 87)

Start: Guadalajara

End: Guadalajara

Weather: Sunny

Miles: 0k +


Happy Valentine’s Day…
Guadalajara, Mexico


Staying at Casa Ciclista…
Guadalajara, Mexico

Li and Lilly got interviewed today by the GDL en Bici…the WarmShower we have been staying at here in Guadalajara, Mexico. GDL en Bici uses the interviews to promote their organization ( I stayed for a little of the interview, then went out shopping for Lilly’s Valentine’s gift. (I bought Lilly a Valentine’s gift because Li/Lilly had been fighting, and I was unsure if they celebrated Valentine’s. Like Christmas, I wanted to share a little of the holiday with my friends. I am not sure of Li/Lilly’s relationship. I believe they are in a relationship. Many people have asked Li/Lilly about their relationship in my presence, and I am still unclear. I leave out Li/Lilly’s side of this adventure, as I want it to be their story, told by them. If it does not impact the adventure…I do not see an issue. Li/Lilly do fight A LOT, but I do not note this in the journal. As I would look at myself as being insane for putting up with it. I hope the reader can understand.) While out walking the nearby streets, I ended up coming across a pretty candy store. Small in size, but stacked full of all types of candy. I got Lilly a few things, and bought traditional Mexican candy to try.


Chinese Buffett for Lunch…

Following the interview the three of us went to eat at a Chinese buffet we had seen the day before. There are quite a few Chinese buffets here in Guadalajara. After eating, we went in search of Chinese mexican_postcardssupplies for tonight’s dinner. We walked back to the heart of town, but we were unsuccessful at finding black vinegar. So we went to find a post office for Lilly to mail her postcards.

friday_feb_14_hostsLi/Lilly were tired by now, so we walked back to GDL en Bici in the hot sun. We sat around debating dinner for the next few hours. Just before the evening I suggested we go out to try ice cream I had found at a local store during the interview earlier that morning. It is Valentine’s Day, and the ice cream shop was having a 2 for 1 sale. The ice cream was a disappointment, but Li/Lilly are becoming good ice cream experts. We walked back to GDL en Bici. We had pretty much given up cooking for our WarmShower hosts, Li and Lilly were really already tired…but Angel (one of the many hosts) still li_angel_ridingwanted to try authentic Chinese. I eventually got Li to go out and try a few Asian markets that Angel knew of. Angel took Li and me via bicycles all over town (even in circles) to find black vinegar. Li and Angel had given up, I mentioned we start asking restaurants. We a new idea in hand, we started asking Chinese restaurants all over Guadalajara… and there are quite a few (+20). After the fifth Chinese restaurant, we knew Chinese in Guadalajara do not use black vinegar here! However we did find one restaurant that sells “Old Mother” (aka Laoganma: black bean chilli sauce). Li/Lilly have been missing Old Mother since the USA. So Li bought two bottles, while Angel got excited! (Unfortunately Angel did not know this was not black vinegar). With no black vinegar, Angel asked Li to cook another Chinese dish. We then cycled to the nearest grocery store for meat, vegetables, and potatoes.


We found Black Vinegar…

As Angel, Li, and I headed back to GDL en Bici, Angel asked if we wanted to try one more restaurant. We stopped at what looked to be a house, and knocked. A Chinese lady answered.. and Surprise! for 50 pesos we had a 2/3 bottle full of black vinegar in our hands.  The lady who sold us her black vinegar told us they rarely use at the restaurant. Now we were off to the grocery store to buy our original dinner of pork ribs, we now needed ribs and sugar.


Traditional Chinese Dinner…

At a completely different side of Guadalajara, but closer to GDL en Bici, I waited outside the grocery store watching the three bicycles as Angel and Li shopped. We did not make it back to the house until after 8.30pm. Li/Lilly cooked dinner…and 10+ people showed up to share the meal at GDL en Bici around 10pm. Li, Lilly, and I thought it would only be a couple of people coming over for dinner.

With all the guest, we sat around the small four person table eating and being asked about our adventures. After dinner, Li/Lilly started giving Chinese lessons, while I decided to start washing dishes. As I was grabbing dishes and cups from the table and all around…I thought I grabbed my cup to drink the last sip.

I continued to wash dishes as guests were leaving. We were invited to a Forever Single Valentine’s party, but stayed behind. Within 15 minutes Li was asleep upstairs in the loft from the tequila. Lilly tried to take a shower but could not get the cold water to turn on. I cleaned up a little more, fixed the cold water faucet, took a shower, and was in my sleeping bag by 2am.


One Long Night…

I woke up 1.5 hrs later to small rumblings in my stomach, and the taste of food in my mouth. I felt like I was going to vomit. I went to the restroom, and soon found myself throwing up in the sink, as the toilet was too dirty; simultaneously using the restroom. The restroom is not much. There is no shower curtain. I bought soap for the shower and sink the other day. There are lots of winged gnats all over the wall that continued to land of my “towel” and clothes while I’m in the restroom.

As I continued to vomit, I randomly noticed a small bug crawling in the middle of the sink looking like it was trying to crawl out and had just come out of me. I have never seen this type of bug before. The bug was like a black mini caterpillar, not much larger than two centimeters. As I puked, I had to graciously reach through the red slime to stick my entire hand, then cramping finger (index or middle) 3″ down the sink drain to pull out the larger chunks so the vomit would drain and allow more to drain. I probably puked 5 to 7 times with large amounts of meat covered with red slime vomit. I thought I was finished puking and shitting…so I took a warm shower.

But before I could shower, I walked naked out of the restroom to light the water heater in the back corner of the building. (We turn off the water heater when not used) I took a second shower for the night. For drying off from showering, I only have a “wash cloth size” camping towel. I must have stayed in the bathroom for 1.5 hrs vomiting from my mouth and ass and showering. I crawled back into my sleeping bag feeling cold and tired. I was in and out of sleep for the next hour. I soon came to realize I need to vomit again. Thankfully this time I had left the bathroom light on, and the water heater on. It must have been before 6am. As I began to puke, the volume amount was larger this time, but I knew what I was in for. I cleaned the drain as I puked and used the toilet. I probably vomited 3 to 4 more times. I did not realize I had eaten this much food in one month. There were a lot of whole chicken looking meats…like fajitas slices, along with slimy red tomato strings being halfway blown out my nose.

I do not remember puking since I was a teenager in France. One summer I was visiting a friend, within a few hours of getting off the flight from the USA to France… I mistakingly said I would go for a workout run in the woods. I survived the run, but once at the house after drinking soda…I started puking (not comparable to today), but had to clean up before the maid would find in just a few minutes…and my hosts would start freaking out.

casa_ciclistaFollowing this round of uncontrollable explosions, I took my third shower of the night. I would just stand under the falling water. This time around I spent another two hours in the restroom, seeing the sun rising outside. I was even weaker now as I dried off with my wet “towel”. I then got back in my sleeping bag on the floor and tried once again to rest.

Thursday, February 13, 2014 (Day 86)

Thursday,  February 13, 2014 (Day 86)

Start: Guadalajara
End: Guadalajara
Weather: Sunny
Miles: 0k +

I woke up, and went to the laundry to wash my clothes before 9am. With only 5 washing machines I had to wait 20 minutes. For $20 pesos, I washed and was given soap. I then walked around town a little bit, and went back to GDL en Bici. Around 11am, a few the hosts looked at a clicking noise on Li’s rear wheel.

We spent the rest of the day walking downtown Guadalajara, Mexico. We stopped in a few bike shops to find Li a couple of tubes for his bicycle (though unsuccessful the entire day). We wanted a “good” meal without guessing…so we choose Burger King, but the service was a disappointment. Following lunch we toured more churches and old buildings. We spent 1.5hrs in a Telcel store (mobile phones) asking about our phone plans and how to recharge.

On the way back to GDL en Bici, I stopped in a bike shop we were at earlier and purchased a basket for my seat post trailer ($30 USD). I have been thinking about how I could use a basket for future adventures…and this bike shop had the exact one I wanted and for a great price.

Later that evening I installed the basket (it has quick release). The hosts called another local bike shop to find Li tubes. The bike shop did not close until 8pm. I left after 7pm to go to the bike shop in the dark across town, while Li went to wash Li/Lilly’s clothes. I found it really dangerous on the streets that evening. I stopped several times to my bicycle lights falling off…and my new gear layout for my tarp poles and bicycle pump on the new basket falling off. I even had a difficult time finding the bike shop in the night. It just felt like me getting to the bike shop on time was not meant to be. I had to stop three times asking for directions. This lead me to passing the store in the dark a few times…and eventually coming to realize the bike shop had closed at 7pm.

After fixing the poles and bike pump, I headed back to GDL en Bici and had dinner with Li/ Lilly.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014 (Day 85)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014 (Day 85)

Start: Tequila

End: Guadalajara

Weather: Sunny

Miles: 70k +

jose_cuervowed_feb_12_hotelWe woke up, then walked around town. We came back to check out of the hotel. Lilly and I had to be at the Jose Cuervo factory by 11am for one of the four English speaking tours provided. The next English tour would began two hours later. Of course we barely made it…Li was even minutes behind and watched the bicycles while Lilly and I went on the Jose Cuervo Tequila tour. During the tequila tour we learned about the history of Jose Cuervo Tequila, types and how it was made, and is made.

wed_feb_12_toll_highwayFollowing the tour, we stopped by a convenient store, then climbed (1:30pm) the 6k uphill back to the toll freeway. By the time we made the freeway, we knew we would have trouble making Guadalajara in the light. Around 5:30pm the toll highway and the free highway merge 15k outside of Guadalajara. Bicycle riding here became dangerous. The highway was packed with cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, debris, and sometimes without a shoulder. One instance (of many) involved a mustang turning left across the crawling traffic, as the mustang whipped across traffic (I was avoiding pedestrians) the car almost hit Li and me.

wed_feb_12_lilly_trafficeJust after 6pm, we followed the WarmShowers Host’s directions to parallel a railroad track for several kilometers. Then we were back on the street fighting with traffic in the night for a few more kilometers. We somehow arrived safely at the WarmShowers Host’s home just after 7:30pm.

wed_feb_12_casaAfter meeting a lot of people associated with GDL en Bici (meeting night)…during the meeting we went out to eat a quarter kilo burger. This restaurant was a disappointment. Li and Lilly ate morewed_feb_11_burger tacos on the street to fill a little more full. Tonight I am sleeping on the floor in the meeting room, while Lilly/Li are sleeping in the loft. The shower tonight has no hot water as the hot water heater pilot light will not stay lit….and our hosts have left us here alone…as this is just a meeting place/bike shop.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014 (Day 84)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014 (Day 84)

Start: Jala

End: Tequila

Weather: Sunny

Miles:  80k +

tues_feb_11_snacksThe gas station locked the bathrooms around 10pm last night. So Lilly and I had to ask to have the bathrooms unlocked this morning. Li and I walked down the street to the small convenient store to buy cereal, bread, strawberry jam, and milk for breakfast. We left Jala just before 8.30am. It was still a little chilly, and I wore a jacket for the first 30 minutes of bicycling.

Around 9.15am, I sat waiting Li/Lilly on the top of the first climb of the morning. As I sat waiting, Li was walking his bicycletue_feb_11_tires up the hill. Lilly was told to continue, and I stayed to help Li repatch his rear tire.


As far as the riding today, we had some good climbs and descents with picturesque views of towns and surrounding mountains. The toll freeway also had a lot of construction on the road today. Just after 12pm, we stopped at the toll plaza to use the restrooms and rest. At most of the toll plazas there are very small stands/stores to buy snacks. Lilly bought a coconut ice cream, while Li bought a coke.

We bicycled uphill through a longer section of road construction, and Li’s rear tire went flat two more times! The second time Li decided to replace the tube. After helping Li, I cycled with him for a little while. As the kilometers rolled by, I found myself quickly catching up to Lilly and leaving Li behind.

tues_feb_11_cobblestoneLilly had ridden most of the day ahead of Li and I, and by herself as Li and I continually changed his rear tube. I found Lilly waiting at the highway exit for the town of Tequila. Lilly and I bicycled the 5k into Tequila while Li was still catching up. At the bottom of the 5k decent, Li was not far behind. The three of us pretty much walked our bicycles to the center of town in search of a motel. The streets in Tequila seem to mostly be of cobblestone and not pleasant to ride very slowly….or in Li/Lilly’s case at all.

We tried asking people for directions to motels. We found near the center of town 10 or more hotels. Li/Lilly went to four hotels and got us a two bedroom on the second floor (more difficult for Li/Lilly with all their gear) for $350 pesos.

tue_feb_11_marketWe then spent the evening walking the town square trying different food stands. We tried everything from churros, tacos (liver, sausage, steak), tostados and some kind of Mexican soup. We found an ice cream shop for desserts and Lilly bought a bottle of Tequila to take back to the room.

Monday, February 10, 2014 (Day 83)

Monday, February 10, 2014 (Day 83)

Start: Tepic

End: Jala

Weather: Sunny

Miles: 65k +

The last two nights I have been sleeping on the tile floor in the living room. I woke up before 7am thinking we might leave before 9am. I wrote yesterday’s journal entry, ate breakfast, and then had my bicycle loaded before Lilly came downstairs from Lilly/Li’s bedroom.

monarcadaycareLilly/Li finished getting ready just after 10.30am. I helped Li fix his rear tire. The tire liner (helps stop punctures) seemed to have gotten turned sideways in one area and was causing Li’s rear tire to bounce during rotation. Once Lilly/Li finished loading their gear, Gabriela (WarmShower Host) took us to see her Daycare down the street. The Daycare is government funded for children from the age of 45 days old to 4 years old. Gabriela’s father started the daycare over 25 years ago. I got a chance to play with some of the kids during our tour of the daycare center.

goodbyesWe returned to Gabriela’s home, said our goodbyes, and started bicycling just before12pm. We only made it a few kilometers before Lilly and I stopped at a convenient store to buy drinks…it’s already hot today. While we waited on Lilly, Li and I posed for a photo with a local customer in the convenient store. The stranger seemed excited about meeting us and wanted to show his son. We were given two bottles of water with his company logo. We bicycled a few more kilometers and found a SUBWAY restaurant. We were so excited; we stopped to take advantage of the $5 USD footlong sandwich. Unable to communicate properly, we got charged almost $7 USD….and I would have been better off to buy two smaller sandwiches…or pay $1 USD more and have a small sandwich for each of us.

lilly_mountainsWe spent 20 minutes eating, then we cycled to the toll highway to head towards Guadalajara. Lilly/Li kept saying it was hot today. Lilly/Li both complained about how tired they are…no one can figure out why, as we had yesterday to rest. Not long after leaving Tepic we started climbing. On two short climbs I was able to get one hour ahead of Lilly/Li. I enjoy the climbing…and the challenge. I stopped and rested while taking in the view waiting for Lilly/Li to catch up.

pemex_camp_outWe ended up riding the last 10k in the dark tonight. We debated on riding another 10-12k more to a town that is larger than Jala, but I think we made the right decision to camp in the Pemex (Gas Station) in Jala. We made Jala around 6.45pm. A few buildings down from the Pemex Station is a very small grocery store where Lilly bought tonight’s dinner and I purchased spicy potato chips. Tomorrow we plan to make 90k+ to the town of Tequila (where the drink is made). But mountains should most definitely be in our way. It’s cold here tonight in Jala. I’m in a jacket and pants.

Sunday, February 9, 2014 (Day 82)

Sunday, February 9, 2014 (Day 82)

Start: Tepic

End: Tepic

Weather: Sunny

Miles:  0k +


Gabriella’s House (WarmShowers Host)
Tepic, Mexico

Spent the day hanging out at Gabriela’s House (WarmShower Host). Gabriela made us breakfast of sliced fruit topped with yogurt and honey including fresh squeezed orange juice, refried beans, and eggs with tortillas. In the afternoon Li, Lilly, Paulo (WarmShower Host) and I went two blocks to buy cut ribs for tonight’s dinner. Li, Lilly, and I then went to the grocery store to buy snacks, lunch, cereal and dinner supplies for tonight’s dinner for our WarmShower Hosts.

sun_feb_9_dinnerOn the return from the grocery store, I stuffed myself with milk, cereal, and fresh donuts that I purchased at the bakery.  As I sat around asking questions to our WarmShower Host,  Lilly prepared a traditional chinese dinner for the six of us.  A family friend also joined us for dinner. We spent the later part of the evening talking.